Contact us
Got something on your mind?
If you have any questions about our training or you’re after more information, don’t hesitate to drop an email to We’ll try and get back to you within 24 hours.
Prefer the phone?
You can always call the NCASS Office on 0300 124 6866 for further support. We’re open 9.00 – 5.30 Monday to Friday and our experienced and helpful support team will give you a hand.
After technical support?
99% of trainees never experience a problem with online training. But sometimes browser issues can get in the way of the ultimate NCASS Training experience.
If you’re having trouble, first make sure you’re using Google Chrome. Try refreshing the page, clearing your cache or restarting your device. For trickier issues please take a look at the Technical Support page.
course for managers and supervisors.
understanding of health and safety in a catering environment.
what to do until a professional arrives should the worst happen.
types should you need to act fast...
person for the catering industry...
(Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points)
Available for fixed site and mobile catering business...