Why complete the course?
From business managers to food handlers, front of house to waiting staff, it is vital that all within a food business have an awareness of the importance of allergens, their potential risks and how to convey allergen information to customers. To comply with UK allergen laws, food businesses need to ensure that the food they produce is safe for their customers to consume. Moreover, allergen management is now a staple focus of routine inspections by EHOs and TSOs and food businesses are frequently asked for evidence of their allergen management system including; how they identity the presence of allergens in any food they produce, how they communicate this information to customers and how they manage cross contamination within food preparation areas.

This course will provide vital information on:
The 14 specified allergens
The differences between a food allergy, food intolerance and Coeliac disease
The legal requirements of a business to provide allergen information
How to review practices to ensure that allergens are managed effectively
How to minimise and control cross-contamination
How to communicate the necessary information to customers
And much more!
The course is up to date with all current allergen legislation and can be completed online. Attempts are unlimited, allowing you to be confident that you have fully understood the content, and upon completion you will receive a certificate showcasing your thorough understanding of allergen awareness.
- Estimated training course duration: 2-3 hours
About the course:
Module 1 – Food Hypersensitivity
This module will explore the difference between a food allergy, food intolerance and Coeliac disease. In order to fully appreciate the importance of an allergen management system within the business, there first needs to be an understanding of food hypersensitivity, its significance and the impact it can have.
Module 2 – Allergen Regulations and the Legal Requirements
This module will cover allergy regulations and food labelling requirements, as well as the different requirements for PPDS food and loose foods. It is important to understand the rules and regulations that govern food businesses to ensure that the business is legally compliant and can safeguard its reputation. This will also ensure that the business is protecting its customers and producing food that is safe to eat.
Module 3 – How to Manage Food Allergens
There are key practices that must be reviewed within a food business to ensure that food allergens are effectively managed. These practices include identifying allergens, storing allergen ingredients, the provision of information to customers and minimisation of cross contamination, amongst others. This module will explore these practices in detail.